According to the BCUK, Nhkum Hkawn Din's skull was smashed, her eyes were gouged out, her throat was slit, she had stab wounds on her right rib cage, and her face was mutilated. She had been stabbed in the abdomen after she was raped. She was further violated with knives.
"This is a horrific attack and should remind governments and the United Nations of the true nature of this regime," Nang Seng said in a statement released on Friday.
"There is no justice or rule of law in Burma," she added.
Nang Seng told Mizzima that despite complaints lodged by the parents of the teenage girl, the authorities until today have failed to take action against the perpetrators of the horrific crime.
"Her parents have already complained at the police station but the local police told them that there is not enough evidence to prove the crime," Nang Seng said.
While there is no eyewitness to the rape and mutilation of the teenage girl by Burmese Army soldiers, BCUK accused the soldiers of being the perpetrators.
Meanwhile, another advocacy group, the Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) in a statement released on Friday condemned the brutal act and called on the international community to exert more pressure on the Burmese regime.
"This latest tragedy is another example of the grotesque barbarism of the military regime in Burma, and evidence that despite what the regime tells UN envoys, they continue to perpetrate crimes against humanity with impunity," Alexa Papadouris, Advocacy Director at CSW, said
In accordance with the UN Security Council Resolution 1820, which describes rape and sexual violence as a crime against humanity on June 19, 2008, both CSW and BCUK called on the International Criminal Court to charge the Burmese regime with crime against humanity.
"We believe that the Generals ruling Burma should be brought to the International Criminal Court on charges of crimes against humanity," said Papadouris.
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