A lot of people worldwide are shocked to know that Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi, 57, was released based on compassionate ground. Megrahi was jailed in 2001 for blown up the PAN-AM 103 jet plane which claimed 270 lives in 1988. Scottish Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill made a decision that the Libyan, who has terminal prostate cancer, would be allowed to return to his homeland. Among the dead were 189 Americans. Americans are very upset about the Scott’s decision because innocent people were killed in this incident.
Unlike Scotland , the Burmese regime has an opposite attitude. The Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi’s husband, the British academic Michael Aris had terminal prostate cancer like Megrahi have. Michael requested to visit Burma to see his lovely wife Aung San Suu Kyi for one last time, before he died. But the Burmese authorities denied his visa application. Three months later Michael died without fulfill his last wish.
The Scottish judge’s decision is based on his religious belief that even though the Libyan man killed 270 lives, he has to release him based on forgiveness as well as compassionate understanding which allowed the murderer to rejoin with his family before his last breath.
On the other hand, the Burmese generals do not understand compassionate release to Burmese most beloved opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, who did not kill any one. She is the one who choose non violent means and her goal is to change Burma as democratic state. Her upper Burma organizational trip was ambushed by the government sponsored criminals and nearly hundred of her followers were beaten to death. She luckily escaped from being murdered. No one was captured for the massacre known as Depeyin Massacre but the regime put her under house arrest and claimed her life was in danger that was the reason they put her house arrest. The regime let the attackers free but the one who was attacked was put under house arrest. This kind of unlawful act clearly proved that people who committed crimes are now ruling Burma and innocent people were systematically thrown into jail.
When her house arrest term was nearly to end, unfortunately, the American man, John Yettaw who has unstable mental state crossed the lake at night on May 3, 2009 and secretly entered Kyi’s lake side villa. He was giving food and shelter by the kind and passionate leader but she requested him to leave because she worried that he might be captured. He was captured when he get out at night.
Aung San Suu Kyi, her two aids and Yettaw were captured and sent to notorious prison called “Insein” similar to the words “Insane”. Fortunately, the generals have an excuse to detain Aung San Suu Kyi for breaching the term of her house arrest that she never committed.
After three months of the arrest Yettaw was sentenced to seven years, Aung San Suu Kyi and two aids were sentenced to three years with hard labor. Then the regime reduced the sentence to 18 months house arrest.
One day after the sentenced, US senator Jim Webb was allowed to visit Burma and met General Than Shwe who is the head of the regime. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon requested twice to meet Aung San Suu Kyi was out right rejected two week ago, but when Webb requested to meet her was smoothly permitted. Is it a coincident?
Conspiracy Theory of Senator Jim Webb visit to Burma
Here are the facts that give us many questions, all the below facts are purely coincident or it is a fixed plan played by Than Shwe, Yettaw and Jim Webb.
1. Yettaw swam with a hand made flip flop in the lake at night which was highly guarded by troops.
2. Yettaw is not a healthy man. He is diabetic and has asthma. How could he swim across the lake for one mile?
3. Yettaw was hospitalized for his illness. His situation in the hospital was video taped and distributed on the web even though he was well guarded and was not allowed to see his condition in the hospital including his lawyer.
4. Senator Jim Webb visited Burma one day after Yettaw was sentenced. He met both Than Shwe and Aung San Suu Kyi.
5. Than Shwe gave an amnesty and allowed Yettaw to go together with Jim Webb.
6. Jim Webb gave a press conference that Aung San Suu Kyi wouldn’t mind to lift sanction. Later Aung San Suu Kyi denied such a thing.
7. Aung San Suu Kyi was now serving another 18 months house arrest, the crime she never committed but Yettaw who broke the law was free.
8. Americans are happy because Yettaw was free two days after his seven years sentenced but Americans were very upset when Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi was free.
In conclusion
It might be a simple coincident. It might be a bigger picture. Senator Jim Webb is an anti-sanction guy. Both he and Yettaw are Vet Veterans. Shortly after the regime locked up Aung San Suu Kyi, Webb arrived the next day. He met Than Shwe then Suu Kyi. Webb has to inform Than Shwe long before he visited Burma and wait for the green light. Two days after his sentenced Yettaw was free to go because the regime does not need Yettaw, only thing they need is to silence Aung San Suu Kyi. Webb got a credit for bringing back Yettaw but Burmese will miss their dear leader for another 18 months or more.
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