While watching the TV screen, I wonder how it will turn out for the Dublin’s MPU conference. Both Dr.Sein Win’s gang and MPU’s gang led by Daw San San will either reach a solution to form a broader progressive exile government or split into two groups and form two governments. We will see in the near future.
Dr. Sein Win led NCGUB for 18 years without progress and made many activists frustrated and lose trust in NCGUB. On the other hand NCUB is not united within its own, two groups are competing each other. One group FDB is led by Ko Naing Aung and other group is led by NCUB’s General Secretary Ko Maung Maung and MPU Vice Chairperson Daw San San.
FDB is a group of seven organizations which have close relationship with Dr.Sein Win. When Ko Maung Maung initiated the Credential Challenge, Dr. Sein Win refused to sign. Also Ko Naing Aung’s group did not support the CC. On the other hand Daw San San and MPU members fully supported CC initiative.
Those two gangs have been competing each other without compromising and has reached a boiling point. If they do not want to compromise and find a command ground, neither group will move forward and achieve the goal for freedom and democracy. Both parties need to kill their egos first and try to unite each other. They need to understand they are not enemies; they are fighting for the same cause. They need to question themselves if they are fighting for the people or fighting to control the power and ignoring the fight against the SPDC regime.
Dr.Sein Win's stance on maintaining the idea of forming the exile government only with MPs from the 1990 election is an illusion. After 18 years without progress it proves that kind of idea only favors Dr.Sein Win to stay in power and nothing else. Dr.Sein Win argued that if NCGUB was formed together with non elected MPs, the 1990 election results would be ruined.
I see it as a false argument and not correct. When we look at the people who are running the NCGUB, Ko Thaung Htun and Ko Zaw Oo stand out as non MPs. Ko Thaung Htun was practically an acting prime minister while Dr. Sein Win stayed behind the curtain. Ko Zaw Oo became the director of Burma Fund. Ko Thaung Htun has been busy flying back and forth from USA to Europe and Asia as NCGUB representative that real MPs did not have a chance to do. Did that ruin the 1990 election result? No, not at all.
On the other hand, NCUB needs to sober its move by not giving different opinions and views. It needs to find a common ground rather than issuing statement which would anger NCGUB and its allies. NCUB needs to inform all its members to reach an agreement before issuing such an important statement.
Is the Dublin conference for uniting different fractions for a better outcome? Or is it a conference to compete with rivals and form its own group? I hope it is for the former.
As a senior member, Dr. Sein Win needs to encourage all the people in the Dublin conference to unite each other and give a chance to elect a new leader by stepping down by taking responsibility for its 18 years of failure. It is time to give way for new blood in the new administration. We need to learn from other democratic countries like USA, France, UK, Sweden, Denmark and so forth. Two terms are enough for a leader to lead the country and give a way for a new leader to emerge.
Unlike democratic countries, leaders from dictatorial regimes stay in power for life. If we want democracy, we have to follow the democratic principle that we are longing for right now.
If the MPs are not united there will be no funding in the future, without funding it is impossible to fight against the SPDC regime. NED and Norwegian government, who are the main funding source of the democratic forces, will withdraw their support if the opposition fractions are not united.
If Dr.Sein Win's gang change its policy from exclusive non MPs stance to an all inclusive policy, it will unite all fractions and we will have the power to fight against the SPDC regime in the first battle in 2010 and beyond.
Htun Aung Gyaw
January 20, 2009
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