Well, Good Luck Mr. Campwell and welcome to the good old sightseeing trip to Burma! I don't think Mr. Campbell can achieve anything other than sightseeing and greetings from those smiling monster from the new capital. Without the backing of the Almighty PRC, no one can do anything to change the mind of the equally Almighty Burmese General in the new capital and on one can touch them. Period! Have some fun and enjoy talking with Aung Sun Suu Kyi, who I think will last her precious life in her own home. All the best, Mr. Campbell!
I wish at least a minor meltdown in ace age attitudes will result from this seemingly innocuous interaction. Still have to work on democratic expression of the Burma's public within the framework of current legal establishment. It is a slow change, that moves along with the age of ruling generals.
those GENERALS need to go to jail.... for starters!
Than Shwe is about to die. Let's wait
Mr. Campwell you are wasting the time. They were never telling the true and never shame for lie. Mr. Campwell has you ever talk to General Than Shwe and Nobel Peace Laureate Daw Aung San Suu Kyi on 1 table with TV Media. I would like to suggest you about that meeting.
Little known to the west, Myanmar is now in the midst of an environmental apocalypse funded by China, Thailand, various multinationals and other foreign countries. Executed by the government of Myanmar which is a military dictatorship.
Enormous strip mines,
Agribusiness land clearing foe crop moncultures,
The result?.... millions forcibly displaced without compensation. Others arrested/killed/assaulted who attempt to resist the destruction.
Millions of people from 135 tribal/ethnic groups in Myanmar flooding into Thailand and surrounding countries to escape government/corporate brutality.
Also civil war within Myanmar, as these forcibly displaced people try to defend themselves and are branded as "rebels".
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