JUNE4, 2008
The weather is fine; the breeze is going slow along their walking way on local Highway No.6. The road is smooth and straight. But it is less than 82 degree of sun heat in the spring of northern States in USA. When some leading members of 88gse and Illinois Burmese Community meet them, Athein and Zaw Min Htwe are walking on their way shouldering American flag and Fighting peacock flag together, which are flying on the way too and heading to pass the border of Iowa and Illinois.
When I meet Ahtein, he warmly hugs me with his soaking body of sweat beside his walking way. When a drop of sweat from his forehead falls on my right shoulder, I feel that hits my heart and I get a sense which means I have responsibility for our nation freedom and to support the activists who are endeavoring for freedom. I have met him in Bangkok before he left to USA. So he and I are so happy to meet again and I am so proud for him because he is now doing a great job for the whole nation of Burma to be freed from over 46-years of iron fist ruling by military regime.
“I want to see our nation free”, said Athein. “For the time being, we, democratic students should not be coward to fight Burma’s regime and we should not stay away to join to oppose the dictator”, Athein said.
Athein and Zaw Min Htwe sit for awhile with all of us at the gate of Nambia Zoo in Iowa. Our group brings some kind of food and cold drinks for them to use along their way further. They do not have enough money for next 800 miles walk to get New York. They do not get adequate assistance from any where, but they have already passed 2200 miles from Oregon to Iowa. They never say anything about their difficulties of their struggle and survival along the way, but they always say that they are fighting for freedom in non violence means and to be unity altogether in order to uproot military dogma in Burma. They have to get to New York in August 8, 2008 to hand many letters from Burma to UN Secretary-General, Banki-moon in United Nation Headquarter.
Athein and Zaw Min Htwe get Wheaton town in Chicago region at 8:00 PM, May31, 2008. They have to stay at my apartment room for rest. They bring out two bags from their SUV Ford. Those two bags are full of old soaking dresses and bad small flying out because they have no time to clean all of their clothes along their walking ways, but they keep them day by day. So they have to do laundry. We say them to laundry their cloths for them, but they do not accept. “We must do ours’ and we do not want to hand over to any one our burden”. Zaw Min Htwe said. After they had dinner, both of them helped us preparing for some posters, slogans and wall sheets to show up in front of Chinese Consulate Office in Chicago on tomorrow.
In May31, we all march to Chinese Consulate Office from the gate of Chicago City at 11:00 AM. Along the marching way in Chicago downtown, many polices take care us to clear the way. We are flying Fighting Peacock Flag and American Flag through Chicago downtown. Many passers are surprised and watching our marching.
At 12:30 PM, we get the front place of the Consulate Office where more than 12 comrades from Fort Wayne, Indiana State are waiting us to join into the demonstration.
88 Generation Students Exile, democratic students group from Fort Wayne, Burmese Community of Illinois, Athein and Zaw Min htwe take demo in front of the Chinese Consulate Office in harmony.
All of us call for Chinese Government to free Tibet, to free Burma and to stay away Dufar Crisis and we show that we oppose 2008 Olympic in China.
At last we set fire Chinese flag in front of polices and consulate office security men. In June 1, 2008, some member of 88 GSE, Burmese Community of Illinois and several ethnics come and greet Athein and Zaw Min Htwe in the Wheaton Central Park.
Athein and Zaw Min Htwe turn to their unfinished 820 miles long walk journey left next day and now they are flying our Fighting Peacock Flag on the road again and they continue to across four States to get New York. “We can not stop our aim to get New York and we are seeing that Burma is killing field of neglect. So, we must hand out letters from our people to UNSC to rescue our nation ”. All members of 88GSE have to be proud and impressed deeply for 3000 miles of Fighting Peacock flying across America by Athein and Zaw Min Htwe.
Written By ANH
JUNE4, 2008
The weather is fine; the breeze is going slow along their walking way on local Highway No.6. The road is smooth and straight. But it is less than 82 degree of sun heat in the spring of northern States in USA. When some leading members of 88gse and Illinois Burmese Community meet them, Athein and Zaw Min Htwe are walking on their way shouldering American flag and Fighting peacock flag together, which are flying on the way too and heading to pass the border of Iowa and Illinois.
When I meet Ahtein, he warmly hugs me with his soaking body of sweat beside his walking way. When a drop of sweat from his forehead falls on my right shoulder, I feel that hits my heart and I get a sense which means I have responsibility for our nation freedom and to support the activists who are endeavoring for freedom. I have met him in Bangkok before he left to USA. So he and I are so happy to meet again and I am so proud for him because he is now doing a great job for the whole nation of Burma to be freed from over 46-years of iron fist ruling by military regime.
“I want to see our nation free”, said Athein. “For the time being, we, democratic students should not be coward to fight Burma’s regime and we should not stay away to join to oppose the dictator”, Athein said.
Athein and Zaw Min Htwe sit for awhile with all of us at the gate of Nambia Zoo in Iowa. Our group brings some kind of food and cold drinks for them to use along their way further. They do not have enough money for next 800 miles walk to get New York. They do not get adequate assistance from any where, but they have already passed 2200 miles from Oregon to Iowa. They never say anything about their difficulties of their struggle and survival along the way, but they always say that they are fighting for freedom in non violence means and to be unity altogether in order to uproot military dogma in Burma. They have to get to New York in August 8, 2008 to hand many letters from Burma to UN Secretary-General, Banki-moon in United Nation Headquarter.
Athein and Zaw Min Htwe get Wheaton town in Chicago region at 8:00 PM, May31, 2008. They have to stay at my apartment room for rest. They bring out two bags from their SUV Ford. Those two bags are full of old soaking dresses and bad small flying out because they have no time to clean all of their clothes along their walking ways, but they keep them day by day. So they have to do laundry. We say them to laundry their cloths for them, but they do not accept. “We must do ours’ and we do not want to hand over to any one our burden”. Zaw Min Htwe said. After they had dinner, both of them helped us preparing for some posters, slogans and wall sheets to show up in front of Chinese Consulate Office in Chicago on tomorrow.
In May31, we all march to Chinese Consulate Office from the gate of Chicago City at 11:00 AM. Along the marching way in Chicago downtown, many polices take care us to clear the way. We are flying Fighting Peacock Flag and American Flag through Chicago downtown. Many passers are surprised and watching our marching.
At 12:30 PM, we get the front place of the Consulate Office where more than 12 comrades from Fort Wayne, Indiana State are waiting us to join into the demonstration.
88 Generation Students Exile, democratic students group from Fort Wayne, Burmese Community of Illinois, Athein and Zaw Min htwe take demo in front of the Chinese Consulate Office in harmony.
All of us call for Chinese Government to free Tibet, to free Burma and to stay away Dufar Crisis and we show that we oppose 2008 Olympic in China.
At last we set fire Chinese flag in front of polices and consulate office security men. In June 1, 2008, some member of 88 GSE, Burmese Community of Illinois and several ethnics come and greet Athein and Zaw Min Htwe in the Wheaton Central Park.
Athein and Zaw Min Htwe turn to their unfinished 820 miles long walk journey left next day and now they are flying our Fighting Peacock Flag on the road again and they continue to across four States to get New York. “We can not stop our aim to get New York and we are seeing that Burma is killing field of neglect. So, we must hand out letters from our people to UNSC to rescue our nation ”. All members of 88GSE have to be proud and impressed deeply for 3000 miles of Fighting Peacock flying across America by Athein and Zaw Min Htwe.
Written By ANH
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