Life-saving relief still needed for cyclone hit Burma, UN reports
Many cyclone hit areas in Burma still facing lack of emergency needs
UN part of PONJA; Post Nargis Joint Assessment Team carried out village tract assessment and revealed that more immediate, life-saving relief needs remain to be provided.
Only 45 % of cyclone victims could access to international ememgency aid as 60% of households admitted that access to clean water is inadequate, their report said.
Findings also show that 59% of houses being severely damaged and rebuilt by using traditional design will only be adequate for two years.
The plight of the Arakanese political prisoners
An Arakan rebel who had been in prison for 22 years told BBC that he concerned over his survival in the future as his lack of education.
He was 19 years old when he was detained.
During long stay in prison for more than 2 decades, he could not get any chance for education in the prison where learning was denied.
He was 19 years old when he was detained.
During long stay in prison for more than 2 decades, he could not get any chance for education in the prison where learning was denied.
1 comment:
are you planning another mass demonstration, to commemorate "8888" this Auguest?
If not, we should.
Another mass demonstration can lead to the downfall of most corruptive military dictator in the world.
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