The National League for Democracy (NLD) has despatched a protest note to the Chief Judge in the Central Court, which states rejection of the lawsuit against Senior General Than Shwe is unlawful, Nyan Win, one of the lawyers of Aung San Suu Kyi, said today.
In keeping with the decision of the Central Executive Committee’s meeting on March 22, signed by Chairman Aung Shwe, NLD filed the lawsuit against Senior General Than Shwe on March 23. However, an authorized person in the Rangoon Division Court rejected the lawsuit. He said that the court does not have the power to accept the case, and returned the documents to the party.
NLD sent the letter because rejection of the lawsuit according to sections 5(a) (h), (j) of 2000 Burma Judiciary Law and sections 45 and 54 of 1887 Specific Relief Act is not in accordance with the law.
“The court rejected the lawsuit which is against the law, so we sent the letter to the Chief Judge by post,” NLD Central Executive Committee’s member, lawyer Nyan Win said.
“The court does not have the right to reject the lawsuit. They should have formally recorded the reason for rejection. Rejecting the lawsuit without a formal record was unlawful,” he added.
According to Nyan Win, when he met Aung San Suu Kyi yesterday, she pointed out that rejecting the lawsuit was unlawful and directed them to continue to take legal action.
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